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Home decor handicrafts product manufacturing unit
Beyond offering environmentally friendly products, our objective aims to build a cleaner, pollution-free future for everyone.
By offering eco-friendly products and cutting-edge technology solutions, our purpose aims to successfully safeguard and sustain our natural resources.
We at TVC MALL live for the success of our clients. Why? Because our fulfillment comes from helping others reach their highest potential. When it comes to our customers, we provide not only top-notch wholesale products at amazing prices, but also step-by-step guidance and holistic business solutions for our clients looking to launch and sustain a successful retail business.
Egreeno is a innovation-driven brand committed to a natural way of living! It is inspired by chemical engineer Christos Gouletsas’s research & beliefs to revolutionize the way we approach our household and personal cleaning. Egreeno embodies a new cleaning philosophy at the crossroads of ecology, health and altruism. This philosophy encompasses a novel approach to the effective cleanliness of our home, our self and our surroundings (a new way of living), based on scientifically designed ecological detergents and cosmetics with pioneering features to improve the daily life of everyone.
Τhe journey of Koukos de Lab began in October 2020, when Irini Moutsoyiannis and Christos Ververis invented a new original technique that would revive the tradition of Lesvos, and at the same time would constitute a ground-breaking ecological proposal in the field of interior design. “koukoutsi” is a unique material whose basic ingredient is the olive bio waste left behind when olive oil production is over. Driven by our moto that aesthetics and sustainability should serve modern design we came up with the “koukoutsi”material that resembles to a gold terrazzo motif.